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One of the keys to success for those who take on a challenge is their  the ability to work as  part of a team.Here,  I’d like  to introduce you to an important part of mine: my sponsors.

Representing the Region of Murcia and Spain all over the world has always been my dream. Companies and institutions , with their daily support, are helping  me make this dream come true.

Thank you all for believing in me and  for taking part in this challenge. Thank you for allowing me to live everyday running after this dream………


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[sponsor_level category="Plata" orderby="DESC" columns="3" image="yes" title="no" link="yes" bio="no" show="3"]



[sponsor_level category="Bronce" orderby="DESC" columns="5" image="yes" title="no" link="yes" bio="no" show="5"]


[sponsor_level category="Colaboradores" orderby="DESC" columns="3" image="yes" title="no" link="yes" bio="no" show="3"]

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