In a  Christmas advertising  campaign in 2014, a well-known furniture brand launched an advertisement  called «the other letter» .Ten families were selected and the children were asked to write their letters to the Three Wise Men, asking them what they wanted for Christmas. After doing this they were then asked to write another letter, this time to their mum and dad , telling them what they would like from their  parents for Christmas.  «I want you to spend more time with me,» «I would like you to listen to me a little more» or «tickle me» were some of the requests the children made in the  letter to their parents. At the end of the advert,  the children were asked which letter they would choose to send if they could only send one, to which they all replied  that they would send the parents´ letters.


Why am I telling you this? It is amazing to see the amount of money that parents spend on toys, technology, private tuition,  academies  and a long list of activities to keep their children occupied. When I go around schools giving talks I come across  countless children who start their school day early in the morning and the  go on to do  various activities and  don´t  get home until  night time , and finally  go to bed hardly  having seen their parents at all.


In  sport, countless parents go every weekend to  sports  centres  to see their children take part in matches or  competitions. From a very young age,  these children train between two and three days a week in order to be ready to compete at   weekend .

But have you ever tried asking  your children  if he really wants to compete or if he would prefer to  spend the  weekend playing with his parents? How many hours  a week do we spend paying   attention to our sons and daughters?


Have you ever tried  talking  to your children? Have you tried  asking  him what he wants, what he´s looking for,  what ambitions he has? Have you tried playing a  part in helping him achieve  those ambitions, playing  with him ,  motivating  him , or do you prefer being a  mere spectator in  the formation of your child?


Do you know that sport can be a tremendously useful tool in our everyday  life and can help enormously in  the physical and emotional development of your child? Have you tried putting on a  tracksuit and taking   a few hours of your busy schedule to take advantage of this tool you have?


We live in an era where  it seems that we have  dedicated our  life to work. We constantly struggle to get the most  out  of every activity we do – academically as well as in our free Where does that leave our development as human beings? Where does that leave our leisure time?  What happened to those moments of families enjoying each other´s company and playing together?


Sport is not just  about results, it is not just about competition. Sport is a means of social cohesion. It is a way of enjoying healthy leisure time while  doing physical exercise and  it is a tremendously effective way of transmitting values.


Children  have  to play, laugh, run and  have fun. But, above all, children need  their parents to join in with them . Do sport with them! Try it!

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