It´s been an intense week on social networks, and, unfortunately, not only for  sporting issues. The first controversy happened  last Sunday when a delivery man  assaulted a youtuber for calling him «anchovy face» while he was  recording the so-called prank with a hidden camera.


First of all, and accepting that it is totally unacceptable, not to mention  unfunny to walk around the streets disrespecting  people and  recording their reactions to post on the internet  without their  consent , in this case I would argue that, despite the bad behaviour of the youtuber, the response should never be  physical aggression.


Is this country really so bad as to justify that,  just because the man «is working at that moment,”, that he has “a shit job”  or  is a “low wage earner” -as people have told me in social networks-, he has the right to attack someone or calling him «anchovy face»? How serious is this   insult to punch someone in the face?


Well, after infinite tweets  and with numerous users disagreeing me, I still cannot believe that people can  defend physical violence – even if you consider what the  youtuber did  was ever so slightly violent.


On the other hand, and less than 24 hours after hearing   the news of the attack on the  youtuber, I received  a chilling video of a brutal aggression of a boy  by some bullies, doormen from some pubs in Murcia  supposedly for kicking  a plastic water-bottle. The attack left the boy lying  on the ground on the verge of death, while the doormen leave without helping the dying boy .   It´s a scene reminiscent of a mafia  film rather than everyday life in Murcia.


In sport, there have been  more and more outbreaks of violence every week in several sports venues. The latest ,  last weekend, in the Primera Regional game in Zaragoza between Miralbueno and San Juan, where a player from  the local team punched  the referee.


I was convinced that this  spiral of violence – both  physical and verbal – that we see  in the stands of many sporting events were just  a few   isolated cases  in society, the  product of the anonymity that you get when you are  surrounded by people. But no, all this is the result of a  lack of education, motivation, civility and tolerance together with  excessive frustration  felt by  of  part of society, which means  that, at this moment, violence is becoming an  intrinsic part of many of our everyday activities.


Is this the way we want to go?


Is this the society we want?

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