Taking into account that the professional career of an elite athlete will not go beyond the age  of  thirty-five, sport is an area marked by short term achievements, by  events happening at high speed, by living at a frenetic pace . Therefore, one must  try   and  make the most of every single second in order to achieve  a remarkable career in such short period of time.

But, even within that celerity, there are moments when it is necessary to stop. Moments in which your body and your head tell you that it is necessary to reconsider, analyse the situation and try to discern whether some changes are required  to continue the journey.

When one of these moments comes, thousands of sensations invade your body, and you have to try to be as cold as possible, analyse each movement and be able to decide, knowing that a bad choice can have a tremendously high price.

These are moments in which you have to assess whether it is better to stay in the same direction or take another path to pursue your goals.   In these moments  you have to decide if any changes are necessary, both on you as  on your team. They are moments of reflection, of analysis, of decision-making.

In this situation, experience tells me that it is best to stop and think,  analyse your path: to know where you come from – what has brought you to the point where you are, what or who you should  keep on your way and what aspects must change in order to continue in the right direction . And, above all, you should  know where you are going. In other words, you should  know from that moment what your goals are and what is the best way to achieve them.

You should also know that life is made up of stages, pages of a book that are turning, and that the fact of turning a page does not imply that one page  is  better or worse than the other. It  simply means that time goes by, that  life does not wait, and that  the book of your life must continue, learning from the past, appreciating  all that has  happened to you and all  those who made it possible, but looking determinedly at the present  time and ambitiously looking forward to the future.

That is, for me, the essence of life: to know always what you want from your present time and  from your  short, medium and long  term future. In my opinion, the key to success is having the ability to know how to take the right decisions at the right times.

After starting with energy  the  Olympic cycle  in Madrid and ending up   in frustration in Murcia for not attending the Games, now an important moment comes:  the time to find myself again, to find that version of me that made me fulfil my Dreams. The time has come to try and regain the motivation, to meet necessary changes to be able to keep running after a dream.

 Many thanks to all who have made possible so many good moments in these almost two years in Murcia. Now is the time to assess the alternatives. It is time to take decisions.

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