The secret of UCAM

The secret of UCAM

A few days ago I read on social media an email from a university professor to a student athlete  who had asked if the professor could possibly change the date of an exam so that the student could compete in a Spanish championship. The professor answered by saying...
The secret of UCAM

Rumbo a Madrid

Llegan las semanas decisivas de cara al campeonato del mundo -que se celebrará en Londres del 14 al 23 de julio- y, con ello, llega el momento de hacer las maletas. Estas próximas semanas realizaré la puesta a punto para el mundial en el centro de alto rendimiento de...
The secret of UCAM

On course to Madrid

The next few weeks are decisive for the World Championships, to be held in London from July 14 to 23. It´s time to start packing and make the final preparations for the Championships in the high performance centre in Madrid-the best place there is.   And, as...
The secret of UCAM

London 2017: A Passion to compete

The time has come. After a time of changes and uncertainty and one in which I have improved both mentally and physically, the decisive part of the season is here- the main competition starting on July 14 at the World Championships in London.   The season began,...
The secret of UCAM

Londres 2017: Pasión por competir

Llegó el momento. Tras una temporada de cambios, de incertidumbre y en la que he ido de menos a más tanto mental como físicamente ha llegado la parte decisiva de la temporada, con el plato fuerte a partir del 14 de Julio en el Campeonato del Mundo en Londres.  ...

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