What keeps me moving forward

What keeps me moving forward

The life of an athlete, especially when competing on the international stage, consists of training for fifty-one weeks a year just to be ready for that one moment – be it a ten-second race, a multi-match tournament or maybe even focusing on one single exercise....
The roadmap of my life

The roadmap of my life

The years go by and with them, hundreds of moments mark our lives. Good times, okay times or bad times. Moments that we will remember with a smile. Other times that have taught us valuable life lessons. And of course, sad moments too where we feel we haven’t...
The roadmap of my life

A year of changes

A year of changes ends and another one full of hope begins. Christmas is here and, in between meals and parties with family, friends and acquaintances – so typical at this time of year, especially important when one lives far from home – it is time to look...
The roadmap of my life


A few days ago the internet was on fire following the publication of an interview with Fabián Roncero, one of the pillars of athletics in Spain. Remember that legendary marathon when cramp forced him to stop and subsequently lose his chance of setting a world record?...
The roadmap of my life

Goodbye to Ruth Beitia.

«It´s over.» One of the most important words an athlete says. The moment we make the most difficult decision ever and put aside a part of our lives, losing a bit of ourselves in the process. That side of our life that has given us passion, struggle, commitment,...
The roadmap of my life


One of the main indicators of the health of sport in any given country is the way in which that country understands, works and cares for its grassroots, the people who are just starting out – our future champions. Grassroots sport is not only about physical...

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