Season 2017/2018

Season 2017/2018

The beginning of a new season. This first year after the Olympic Games in Rio could be considered transitional – a change of coach, a change in my training programme, returning to Madrid to stay in CAR (Centro de Alto Rendimiento) and now almost completely recovered...
Season 2017/2018


«Are you an athlete? God! I couldn’t be bothered! Running all day!» Or «Do you do athletics? So all you’ve got to do is run then. » These are some of the reactions we athletes get every day when we tell people what we do. I’d like to try and explain why athletics is...
Season 2017/2018

What Spanish sport needs right now.

High level sport is undoubtedly a modern-day phenomenon, drawing billions of spectators every year into sports venues as well as through the media and especially in recent years , on social networks.   Because of this, many athletes now have to become...
Season 2017/2018


In high-performance sport, as in life, a season consists of a multitude of moments. Moments in which everything goes swimmingly, we feel great and everything’s fine. Those are the moments that really motivate the athlete, when you feel able to give the very best of...
A Safe bet

A Safe bet

The World Championship in Athletics in London have just finished, and with it, one more season in the national and international athletics calendar. We’ve seen the results – no medals and five finalists (Mechaa,l 4th in 1500m, relay 4×400 5th, Ana...
A Safe bet

The use of technology in high performance sport

Everyone knows the impact that technology has on every area of our society. Its progress is unstoppable, and increasingly can be seen in high performance sport with the use of different apparatus, software and apps. With these advances we have data at our fingertips,...

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