What Spanish sport needs right now.
High level sport is undoubtedly a modern-day phenomenon, drawing billions of spectators every year into sports venues as well as through the media and especially in recent years , on social networks. Because of this, many athletes now have to become...
In high-performance sport, as in life, a season consists of a multitude of moments. Moments in which everything goes swimmingly, we feel great and everything’s fine. Those are the moments that really motivate the athlete, when you feel able to give the very best of...
Momentos que marcan la vida
En el deporte de alto rendimiento, como en la vida, una temporada consta de infinidad de momentos: unos momentos en los que todo va genial, las sensaciones son inmensas, todo sale bien. Esos son los momentos que realmente motivan al deportista, cuando te sientes capaz...