Last week the project «The students have their say «started – a project developed with the students from the primary and secondary schools that have joined in it .(if a school wants to be included they should go the “contact” section » at The project  consists of students reviewing an article in my weekly  column in this newspaper. The article is selected by me and is announced in the project diary .During these  first weeks, because the students are in the middle of exams ,  a trial of the project is being carried out, with the aim  that, as of January 9, the project will be  in full swing.


This trial has been a huge surprise. The quality of many of the work received is impressive, proving once again that our young people, if encouraged and motivated, are incredibly talented. As a example , I leave you with Maria, a secondary school    student in 2nd year in   the Sacred Heart School of San Javier, titled «Dreams that become reality»:

«To dream is to achieve the goals you set  yourself  every day,  even those that you think are impossible to fulfil. I have some dreams, for example,  I would like to find out about  everything that surrounds me – Medicine, Science, Technology , Mathematics, Geography, all languages ​​… – I know that this is impossible, but even if I am not a specialist at everything l, I would like to be a person with knowledge in different fields.   Also I would love to learn everything that life can offer me every day , both the positive and the negative. To learn from relationships  and to involve myself in helping   the most disadvantaged in our society  is another aim.     I have another dream I would like to fulfil – to form a stable family and to be able to pass on to my children all the values ​​and knowledge that I have acquired.

I see myself  being able to fulfil those dreams, because every day I try to set goals, and every time I do, I feel good about myself. I see myself able to fulfil those dreams, since the people around me  encourage me to fight for them and not to give them up.

For this reason, Lorenzo is an example to follow, the mirror we should   look into to see ourselves   every day, because in it we can see his personal  achievement  and that shows us that you must  never  throw in the towel. On the contrary, Lorenzo teaches us that we must always take advantage of the opportunities that life gives us , since they may  only come  once. His dream has been made possible thanks to the support of his family and his coach, because  they have been supporting and encouraging him. He shows us that with effort and enthusiasm,  everything is possible. »


If you want to see all the articles, visit the section of the project “ The students have their  say » at

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