On more than one occasion I have used these columns to talk about fair play, the spectacle of an event , the passion and everything associated with sports fans. Well, today I have the pleasure of writing to you from the stands of  the Sports Arena in Murcia  watching a  live match between   UCAM Murcia and  FC Barcelona, ​​two of the most outstanding teams of this year’s ACB Basketball League, also known as the Endesa League.


It is quite an experience to enjoy the atmosphere that is felt in the Sports Arena  during  every UCAM match . There´s a  wonderful party atmosphere and the fans have  a tireless  passion completely dedicated to their  team. A fan base that  really is worthy  of a team that competes in European competitions. Fans who are  envied by many of UCAM`s  rival teams.


And if the UCAM supporters  are envied, in addition to their indefatigable  spirits, it is for the respect that they invariably show  the opposing team. For the way  they undoubtedly understand and enjoy the great sport of  basketball. Fans capable of  cheering on their team for 40 minutes – deafening, joyous  and never shouting  offensive  chants  or  being unsportsmanlike.


These fans show something  that I have always believed in  and defended: you can enjoy a sport, you can cheer on  your team, you can create an incredible,  unique atmosphere  in the stands without  resorting to insults,  threats or any kind of violence.


Let’s learn from their  example. Let’s learn that supporting your team does not justify insulting or disrespecting their  opponents. Let’s try to change the idea  that just by  buying a ticket justifies being able to shout  from the stand any kind of  atrocity  we feel like. Let’s learn  once and for all  that insulting the opposing team  is not encouraging your team. Let us learn that disrespectfulness  or insults is absolutely unjustifiable, no matter much players may or may not be accustomed to hearing abuse  from the stand while  still retaining  their  professionalism.. Receiving  insults or threats is not part of the job description of an athlete.  A sportsman earns his living by  preparing himself  every day to be the best he can in a  competition, not to put up with lunatics who vent  their daily frustrations while protecting their anonymity by being part of the crowd.


Let’s follow this example, let’s follow this way.. Let us identify those people who taint sport by  using a sporting event to insult or disrespect the athletes. Because that is not being a fan, that is not encouraging  your team or following  sport with passion. It’s just being offensive and rude.


Let us benefit from  the example of  the fans that we have in UCAM CB Murcia. Let all other teams and sports follow their example. By doing so,  we will be envied throughout Spain,  because at last we will be able  to attend  sporting events and enjoy them.


Congratulations to the fans of UCAM Murcia-  the best fans in Spain

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