Education, Youth and Sport
In recent weeks we have witnessed a real political storm, which has caused the presidency of the Region of Murcia to change and which in turn, has led to different changes in the administration. One of these changes directly concerns regional sport. The new...
Losing lives on two wheels
1.5 metres. So easy, so cruel, so tragic. That insignificant distance, which could have saved many lives, should kept in mind every day. This is the way we will prevent more deaths on the road. A road where there´s room for us all- provided we follow the rules....
Perdiendo vidas sobre dos ruedas
1’5 metros. Así de fácil, así de cruel, así de trágico. Esa insignificante distancia podría haber salvado muchas vidas y debería estar cada día en nuestra cabeza para que no suponga más muertes en la carretera, una carretera en la que, respetando las normas, sin...