Stop bullying: no more victims.

Stop bullying: no more victims.

A few weeks ago I was talking about  the epidemic of violence, aggression and disrespect which, in my opinion, plagues this society. A social problem that is often seen in sport (insults, threats, aggressions …), television,  our day-to-day lives ...
Stop bullying: no more victims.

Stop bullying: ni una víctima más

Hace unas semanas hablaba sobre, en mi opinión, la epidemia de violencia, agresividad y falta de respeto que asola a esta sociedad. Un problema social que se ve con frecuencia en el deporte (insultos, amenazas, agresiones…), en la televisión, en el día a día y,...
Sport for beginners – Champions by nature or nurture?

Thank you for everything, Natalia

Last Tuesday we heard the terrible news of the death of Natalia, a seven-year-old girl who had been fightng   Niemann Pick C disease for five years – a degenerative and so far , incurable disease. One of the conditions classified   as  a...

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