Is this the society we really want?

Is this the society we really want?

It´s been an intense week on social networks, and, unfortunately, not only for  sporting issues. The first controversy happened  last Sunday when a delivery man  assaulted a youtuber for calling him «anchovy face» while he was  recording the...
Is this the society we really want?

The students have their say

Last week the project «The students have their say «started – a project developed with the students from the primary and secondary schools that have joined in it .(if a school wants to be included they should go the “contact” section » at ...
Is this the society we really want?

UCAM CB Murcia- the best fans

On more than one occasion I have used these columns to talk about fair play, the spectacle of an event , the passion and everything associated with sports fans. Well, today I have the pleasure of writing to you from the stands of  the Sports Arena in Murcia ...
Is this the society we really want?

Culture of hatred – feeding the beast.

Mariano Rajoy, current President of Spain and candidate to be reelected in the coming elections, is the latest to be affected by the culture of hate which has become rampant over the last few years. I understand the  culture of hate to be a way of living  in...
Is this the society we really want?

Education and Sport – Building Success

It is  the time for changes, promises, proposals, debates… It’s election time! One of the most important issues that must be dealt with in  this election campaign is Education. To begin with, I will give you some information that I think is important....
Is this the society we really want?

Sport – our national powerhouse

We all have a rough idea of what  we Spaniards think about our country, about its  strengths and its weaknesses  But how is Spain seen  from abroad? What makes  Spain stand out and be a reference point for other countries?  What areas...

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