Culture of hatred – feeding the beast.
Mariano Rajoy, current President of Spain and candidate to be reelected in the coming elections, is the latest to be affected by the culture of hate which has become rampant over the last few years. I understand the culture of hate to be a way of living in...
Cultura del odio, alimentando a la bestia
Mariano Rajoy, actual Presidente del Gobierno y candidato a ser reelegido en estas elecciones. Él es el último afectado por el incesante desarrollo en nuestro país de la cultura del odio. Entiendo cultura del odio como una forma de vida en la que, amparándonos en la...
Education and Sport – Building Success
It is the time for changes, promises, proposals, debates… It’s election time! One of the most important issues that must be dealt with in this election campaign is Education. To begin with, I will give you some information that I think is important....