El momento de tomar decisiones
El deporte es un ámbito marcado por el corto plazo, por la celeridad, por vivir a un ritmo frenético, teniendo en cuenta que la vida profesional de un deportista de élite no llegará prácticamente en ningún caso más allá de los treinta y cinco años. Por lo tanto, debe...
Time to take decisions
Taking into account that the professional career of an elite athlete will not go beyond the age of thirty-five, sport is an area marked by short term achievements, by events happening at high speed, by living at a frenetic pace . Therefore, one...
Have you ever tried…?
In a Christmas advertising campaign in 2014, a well-known furniture brand launched an advertisement called «the other letter» .Ten families were selected and the children were asked to write their letters to the Three Wise Men, asking them what they...